岳文 教授
信息来源:本站 发布日期:2022-12-08 23:41:56 浏览次数:20145

































[1] 国家级青年人才计划入选者,2020

[2] 中国地质学会第十六届青年地质科技奖——银锤奖,2017

[3] 北京市科技新星计划入选者,2017

[4] 北京市青年岗位能手,2016

[5] 求真学人资助计划入选者,2016

[6] 翟裕生青年教师奖,2014

[7] 北京高等学校青年英才计划入选者,2013

[8] 朱训青年教师奖,2013


[1] 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术奖二等奖,20201/13

[2] 国土资源科学技术奖二等奖,20181/10

[3] 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(技术发明奖)二等奖,20181/6

[4] 中国有色金属工业科学技术奖(发明类)二等奖,20191/6

[5] 国土资源科学技术二等奖,20194/10

[6] 中国机械工业科学技术奖三等奖,20204/10

[7] 中国有色金属工业科学技术奖(发明类)二等奖,20172/6

[8] 中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明奖一等奖,20135/6

[9] 国土资源科学技术奖二等奖,20114/10

[10] 中国产学研合作创新与促进奖产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖,20207/10



[1] 以研究创新能力培养为导向的工程设计类课程教学新模式,中国地质大学(北京)2021年高等教育教学成果奖一等奖,2020(排名第二)


兼职担任《Journal of Superhard Materials》编委,《摩擦学学报》编委、《中国表面工程》编委、《钻探工程》编委、《材料保护》青年编委会副主任委员、《表面技术》青年编委,中国地质学会青年工作委员会副主任、中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会青年工作委员会委员、表面工程分会青年工作委员会副主任委员、摩擦学分会摩擦学设计专业委员会委员。



[1] Yaoyao Liu, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang*. Improved vacuum tribological properties of sintered polycrystalline diamond compacts treated by high temperature annealing. Carbon, 2017, 124:651-661. (SCI, IF7.082) 

[2] Jiansheng Li, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang. Approach to controllable tribological properties of sintered polycrystalline diamond compact through annealing treatment. Carbon, 2017, 116:103-112. (SCI, IF7.082) 

[3] Wenbo Qin, Wen Yue*, Chengbiao Wang*. Controllable wear behaviors of silicon nitride sliding against sintered polycrystalline diamond via altering humidity. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2018, 101: 2506-2515. (SCI, IF2.956)

[4] Jiansheng Li*, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Qingzhong Mao, Bo Gao, Yusheng Li. Effect of quenching processes on microstructures and tribological behaviors of polycrystalline diamond compact (PCD/WC Co) in annealing treatment. Diamond and Related Materials, 2017, 79: 79-87. (SCI, IF2.232)

[5] Dezhong Meng, Gang Yan, Wen Yue*, Fang Lin, Chengbiao Wang*. Thermal damage mechanisms of Si coated diamond powder based polycrystalline diamond. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(13): 4338-4345. (SCI, IF3.794)

[6] Wenbo Qin, Wen Yue*, Chengbiao Wang. Understanding integrated effects of humidity and interfacial transfer films formation on tribological behaviors of sintered polycrystalline diamond. RSC Advances, 2015, 5:53484-53496. (SCI, IF2.936)

[7] Gang Yan, Wen Yue*, Dezhong Meng, Fang Lin, Zongyi Wu, Chengbiao Wang.

Wear performances and mechanisms of ultrahard polycrystalline diamond composite material grinded against granite. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 54: 46-53. (SCI, IF2.606)



[8] Zhiwei Cui, Yixing Tian, Wen Yue*, Lei Yang*, Qunyang Li*. Tribo biological deposits on the articulating surfaces of metal on polyethylene total hip implants retrieved from patients. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:28376. (SCI, IF4.122)

[9] Wen Yue*, Chunyue Liu, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Haipeng Huang, Jiajun Liu. Effects of molybdenum dithiocarbamate and zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate additives on tribological behaviors of hydrogenated diamond like carbon coatings. Materials and Design, 2014, 64: 601-607. (SCI, IF4.525)

[10] Yanyan Wang, Wen Yue*, Dingshun She, Zhiqiang Fu, Haipeng Huang, Jiajun Liu. Effects of surface nanocrystallization on tribological properties of 316L stainless steel under MoDTC/ZDDP lubrications. Tribology International, 2014, 79: 42-51. (SCI, IF3.246)

[11] Song Wang, Wen Yue*, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Xingliang Li, Jiajun Liu.

Study on the tribological properties of plasma nitrided bearing steel under lubrication with borate ester additive. Tribology International, 2013, 66: 259-264. (SCI, IF3.246)

[12] Wen Yue*, Chunyue Liu, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Haipeng Huang, Jiajun Liu. Synergistic effects between sulfurized W DLC coating and MoDTC lubricating additive for improvement of tribological performance. Tribology International, 2013, 62: 117-123. (SCI, IF3.246)



[13] Dingshun She, Wen Yue*, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Xingkuan Yang, Jiajun Liu. Effects of nitriding temperature on microstructures and vacuum tribological properties of plasma nitrided titanium. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2015,264: 32-40. (SCI, IF3.192)

[14] Dingshun She, Wen Yue*, Yingjun Du, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajun Liu. Vacuum tribological properties of titanium with a nano crystalline surface layer.

Tribology Letters, 2015, 57(1): 1-12. (SCI, IF2.182)

[15] Bin Tian, Wen Yue*, Zhiqiang Fu, Yanhong Gu, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajun Liu.

Microstructure and tribological properties of W implanted PVD TiN coatings on 316L stainless steel. Vacuum, 2014, 99: 68-75. (SCI, IF2.067)















































































李郡(离子束轰击及退火温度对二硫化钨纳米摩擦学行为的影响), 北京泛米科技有限责任公司






























































[187-74] Xiaohua Sha, Bo Feng, Wen Yue*, Chenbiao Wang. Comparison of tribological behaviors of polycrystalline diamonds synthesized by titanium-and boron-coated diamond particles[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2022, 128: 109242. (SCI, IF3.806) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2022.109242



[186-73] Shaojun Zhang, Lina Zhu*, Yanyan Wang, Jiajie Kang, Haidou Wang, Guozheng Ma, Haipeng Huang, Guang’an Zhang, Wen Yue*. Effects of annealing treatment on tribological behavior of tungsten-doped diamond-like carbon film under lubrication (Part 2): Tribological behavior under MoDTC lubrication[J]. Friction, 2022, 10(7): 1061-1077. (SCI, IF4.924) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40544-021-0514-4

[185-72] 万李, 王海蟒, 蔡谞, 胡刻铭, 岳文*, 张洪玉*骨软骨组织工程仿生梯度支架研究进展[J]. 材料工程, 2022,50(2): 38-49. (EI)

[184] Xina Huang*, Dingshun She, Wen Yue. Cryogenic treatment on Ti6Al4V alloy fabricated by electron beam melting: microstructure and mechanical properties[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 20: 3323-3332. (SCI, IF6.627) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.08.012

[183] , 李嘉栋, 林冰, 岳文, 王成彪, 尹浩, 唐鋆磊*超声波冷锻与微弧氧化处理铝合金钻杆的耐腐蚀性能[J]. 表面技术, 2022,51(6): 255-266. (EI)

[182] 许骏杰, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 周永宽, 朱丽娜, 付志强, 佘丁顺. 纳秒激光制备Fe基非晶合金涂层表面织构的疏水性研究[J]. 材料导报, 2022,36(7): 97-102. (EI)

[181] 周永宽, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 付志强, 朱丽娜, 张晓惠. 不同载荷对HVOF喷涂AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金涂层摩擦学性能的影响[J]. 表面技术, 2022, 51(10):8. (EI)

[180] Lin-ting Wang, Rui-zhe Wang, Li-na Zhu*, Wen Yue, Jia-jie Kang, Zhi-qiang Fu, Ding-shun She, Mei-gui Feng, Cheng-biao Wang. Hydrophobicity and Wear Resistance of Textured Carbon Fiber/Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite Coatings[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022: 1-9. (SCI, IF2.036) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-06932-z

[179] Hao-dong Wang, Tian-yang Yue, Jia-jie Kang*, Xiao-yu Cui, Wen Yue. Anti-wear Performance of WC-10Co4Cr Coating in Water-Based Drilling Fluid with Different Contents of Filtrate Reducer and Bentonite Clay[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022: 1-11. (SCI, IF2.036) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-07671-x

[178] Yong-kuan Zhou, Jia-jie Kang*, Wen Yue, Tian-yang Yue, Zhi-qiang Fu, Li-na Zhu, Ding-shun She. High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel-Sprayed WC-10Co4Cr Coatings on AISI 4135 Steel Substrate: Tensile and Fatigue Properties[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022: 1-10. (SCI, IF2.036) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-07136-1

[177] Yong-kuan Zhou, Jia-jie Kang*, Jie Zhang, Zhi-qiang Fu, Li_na Zhu, Ding-shun She, Wen Yue. Microstructure and sliding wear behavior of HVOF sprayed Al (1− x) CoCrFeNiTix high-entropy alloy coatings[J]. Materials Letters, 2022, 314: 131929. (SCI, IF3.574) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2022.131929

[176] Yong-kuan Zhou, Jia-jie Kang*, Wen Yue, Xiao-Bin Liu, Zhi-Qiang Fu, Li-Na Zhu, Ding-Shun She, Guo-Zheng Ma, Hai-dou Wang. Sliding wear properties of HVOF sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coatings with conventional structure and bimodal structure under different loads[J]. Journal of Tribology, 2022, 144(1). (SCI, IF1.891) https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4050735

[175] Qi Xie, Zhiqiang Fu*, Ziyi Liu, Wen Yue, Jiajie Kang, Lina Zhu, Chengbiao Wang, Songsheng Lin. Improvement of microstructure and tribological properties of titanium nitride films by optimization of substrate bias current[J]. Thin Solid Films, 2022, 749: 139181. (SCI, IF2.358) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2022.139181



[174-71] 王天伦, 秦文波, 黄飞, 舒登峰, 王浩东, 孙佳晨, 王成彪, 岳文*. 热界面材料可靠性能研究进展[J]. 高分子材料科学与工程, 2022, 38(7):8. (EI)




[173-70] Dezhong Meng, Yuanpei Zhao, Wen Yue*, Zhe Wu, Jinmeng Cui, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang.Thermal effects on tribological behaviors of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride[J]. Ceramics International, 2021(5):7117-7125. (SCI, IF5.532)


[172-69] Xiaohua Sha, Bo Feng, Wen Yue*, Chengbiao Wang*. Grain size dependent tribological behaviors of 700 degrees C annealed polycrystalline diamond. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Material, 2021, 94: 105406. (SCI, IF3.4) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2020.105406

[171-68] Jinmeng Cui, Dezhong Meng*, Zhe Wu, Wenbo Qin,Dingshun She, Jiajie Kang, Chengbiao Wang, Wen Yue*. Tribological behaviors of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride sliding against silicon nitride in air and vacuum conditions[J]. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(1): 363-372. (SCI, IF5.532) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.09.111

[170] 崔金蒙, 孟德忠*, 吴哲, 岳文, 王成彪, 杨凡. 钻具切割用聚晶立方氮化硼刀具的摩擦学研究[J]. 钻探工程, 2021(03):10-20.

[169] 崔金蒙, 孟德忠*, 吴哲, 岳文, 王成彪. PCBN刀具切削性能和磨损机理研究综述[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2020(06):83-91.



[168-67] Xina Huang*, Shoubin Ding, Wen Yue*. Effect of cryogenic treatment on tribological behavior of Ti6Al4V alloy fabricated by selective laser melting[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2021():1979-1987. (SCI, IF6.627) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2021.04.012

[167-66] Ping Xu, Yan Wang, Xueqian Cao, Xiangfan Nie, Wen Yue*, Guangan Zhang*. The tribological properties of DLC/SiC and DLC/Si3N4 under different relative humidity: The transition from abrasive wear to tribo-chemical reaction[J]. Ceramics International, 2021(3):3901-3910. (SCI, IF5.532) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.09.252

[166] Jun-jie Xu, Jia-jie Kang*, Wen Yue, Zhi-qiang Fu, Li-na, Zhu, Ding-shun She. High-temperature tribological property of Fe-based amorphous alloy coating[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2021, 573: 121136. (SCI, IF4.458) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.121136

[165] Jiansheng Li, Wenbo Qin*, Peng Peng, Ming Chen, Qingzhong Mao, Wen Yue, Jiajie Kang, Dezhong Meng, Dingshun She, Xiebin Zhu, Yusheng Li. Effects of geometric dimension and grain size on impact properties of 316L stainless steel[J]. Materials Letters, 2021, 284: 128908. (SCI, IF3.574) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128908

[164] Yanyan Wang, Yang Wang, Jiajie Kang*, Guozheng Ma, Lina Zhu, Haidou Wang, Zhiqiang Fu, Haipeng Huang, Wen Yue. Tribological Properties of Ti-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings Under Boundary Lubrication With ZDDP[J]. Journal of Tribology, 2021, 143(9). (SCI, IF1.891) https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4049373

[163] Wei Wang, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu*, Wen Yue, Jiajie Kang, Dingshun She, Xiaoyong Ren, Chengbiao Wang. Effects of titanium-implanted dose on the tribological properties of 316L stainless steel[J]. Materials, 2021, 14(6): 1482. (SCI, IF3.748) https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14061482

[162] 许骏杰, 苏娟, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 梁健, 付志强, 朱丽娜, 王成彪. 激光织构对Fe基非晶合金涂层润湿性的影响研究[J]. 钻探工程,2021(04):21-28.

[161] 林宁, 李伟青*, 康嘉杰, 秦文波, 岳文, 佘丁顺, 王成彪. 高导热涂层制备及其性能研究进展[J]. 表面技术, 2021, 50(6):10. EI




[160-65] Xiaohua Sha, Wen Yue*, Haichao Zhang, Wenbo Qin, DingShun She, Chengbiao Wang*. Thermal stability of polycrystalline diamond compact sintered with boron-coated diamond particles. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 104: 107753. (SCI, IF2.65) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2020.107753

[159-64] Xiaohua Sha, Wen Yue*, Haichao Zhang, Wenbo Qin, DingShun She, Chengbiao Wang*. Enhanced oxidation and graphitization resistance of polycrystalline diamond sintered with Ti-coated diamond powders. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 43: 64-73. (SCI, IF6.15) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2020.01.031

[158-63] Xiaohua Sha, YuLiang Li, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang. pH Dependence of Tribochemical Wear of Silicon Nitride Sliding against Polycrystalline Diamond in Alkaline Solutions. Tribology Transactions, 2020, 63(5): 820-828. (SCI, IF1.51) https://doi.org/10.1080/10402004.2020.1750080

[157-62] Haichao Zhang, Wen Yue*, Xiaohua Sha, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang*. Vacuum tribological properties and impact toughness of polycrystalline diamond based on titanium-coated diamond particle. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 103: 107712. (SCI, IF2.65) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2020.107712



[156-61] Ping Xu, Xueqian Cao, Minglan Zhang, Wen Yue *, Guangan Zhang*. Friction and wear behaviors of different DLC films sliding against SiC and Si3N4 balls under high relative humidity. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 108: 107977. (SCI, IF2.65) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2020.107977

[155] Meigui Yin, Zhenbing Cai*, Zhixing Zhang, Wen Yue. Effect of ultrasonic surface rolling process on impact-sliding wear behavior of the 690 alloy. Tribology International, 2020, 147: 105600. (SCI, IF4.27) https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.triboint.2019.02.008

[154] Xiao-Yan Shao, Li-Na Zhu*, Wen Yue, Jia-Jie Kang, Guo-Zheng Ma, Zhi-qiang Fu, Ding-shun She, Hai-dou Wang, Mei-gui Feng, Cheng-biao Wang. Hydrophobicity and wear resistance of ceria/PTFE composite coatings. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 2020, 17(6): 1549-1557. (SCI, IF1.8) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11998-020-00373-w

[153] Yan Luo, Yuan Sun, YanHong Gu*, Jie Zhao, Jian Liang, Wen Yue. Enhanced Tribological Performance of a Ni/GO-Coated 2024 Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020, 29 (5): 2947-2956. (SCI, IF1.65) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-020-04841-7

[152-60] Fei Huang, JiaJie Kang*, Wen Yue*, Xiaobin Liu, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Guozheng Ma, Haidou Wang, Jian Liang, Wei Weng, Chengbiao Wang. Effect of heat treatment on erosion-corrosion of Fe-based amorphous alloy coating under slurry impingement. Journal of Alloys and Compound, 2020, 820: 153132. (SCI, IF4.6) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.153132

[151] Yongkuan Zhou, Xiaobin Liu, JiaJie Kang*, Wen Yue, Wenbo Qin, Guozheng Ma*, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Haidou Wang, Jian Liang, Wei Weng, Chengbiao Wang. Corrosion behavior of HVOF sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coatings in the simulated seawater drilling fluid under the high pressure. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 109: 104338. (SCI, IF2.89) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailan al.2019.104338

[150-59] Teng Zhou; Zhenbin Cai*, Zhengyang Li, Wen Yue*, Wei Li, Jing Zheng. Effect of hydration on mechanical characteristics of pangolin scales. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55(10): 4420-4436. (SCI, IF3.5) https://doi.org/10.100 7/s10853-019-04322-w

[149] 元云岗, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 付志强, 朱丽娜, 佘丁顺, 王成彪. 不同温度下等离子渗氮后TC4钛合金的摩擦磨损性能. 材料工程, 2020. 48 (2): 156-162. (EI)



[148] Saier Wu, Jian Chen*, Chong Xu, Wendy Zhou, Leihua Yao, Wen Yue, Cui Zhijiu. Susceptibility Assessments and Validations of Debris-Flow Events in Meizoseismal Areas: Case Study in China's Longxi River Watershed. Natural Hazards Review, 2020, 21(1): 05019005. (SCI, IF1.67) https://doi.org/10.1061/ (ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000347



[147] Ding-Shun She, PeiXuan Gong, Yan-Yan Wang, JiaJie Kang*, LiNa Zhu, GuoZheng Ma, Li Zhong, HaiPeng Huang, HaiDou Wang*, Wen Yue. Friction-reduction and anti-wear properties of polyalphaolefin oil with Mo-DTC additive enhanced by nano-carbon materials. Applied Nanoscience, 2020, 10 (9): 3539-3551. (SCI, IF2.88) https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-020-01458-z




[146-58] Wenbo Qin, Yaoyao Liu, Wen Yue*, Chengbiao Wang*, Guozheng Ma, Haidou Wang. Influence of frictional interface state on tribological performance of sintered polycrystalline diamond sliding against different mating materials. Tribology Letters, (2019) 67:87. (SCI, IF2.182) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11249-019-1196-1

[145-57] Yuliang Li, Xiaohua Sha, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang*. Effects of tribochemical reaction on tribological behaviors of Si3N4/polycrystalline diamond in hydrochloric acid. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2019,79:197-203. (SCI, IF2.794) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2018.12.012

[144-56] Dezhong Meng, Gang Yan, Wen Yue*, Fang Lin, Chengbiao Wang*. Effect of high temperature annealing on ultrahard polycrystalline diamond in air and vacuum conditions. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials,2019,78:340-349. (SCI, IF2.794) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2018.10.017

[143-55] Tianyang Yue, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Peng Liu, Chengbiao Wang*. Effects of environmental atmospheres on tribological behaviors of sintered polycrystalline diamond sliding against silicon nitride. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2019, 81: 85-93. (SCI, IF2.606) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2019.02.023

[142-54] Xiaohua Sha, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang*. Enhanced tribological behaviors of sintered polycrystalline diamond by annealing treatment under humid condition. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2019, 80: 85-96. (SCI, IF2.606) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2019.01.007

[141-53] Wenbo Qin, Jiansheng Li, Yaoyao Liu, Wen Yue*, Chengbiao Wang, Qingzhong Mao, Yusheng Li*. Effect of rolling strain on the mechanical and tribological properties of 316L stainless steel. Jounal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141(2):201606. (SCI, IF1.648) https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4041214


[140] Jun Liu, Yizhou Qi, Qunyang Li, Tianying Duan, Wen Yue, Vadakkepatt, Ajay, Chang Ye, Yalin Dong*. Vacancy-controlled friction on 2D materials: Roughness, flexibility, and chemical reactions. Carbon, 2019, 142:363-372. (SCI, IF7.466)


[139] Shaojun Zhang, Wen Yue, Jiajie Kang*, Yanyan Wang, Chengbiao Wang. Ti content on the tribological properties of W/Ti-doped diamond-like carbon film lubricating with additives. Wear, 2019, 430-431: 137-144. (SCI, IF2.960) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2019.05.002

[138] Yanyan Wang, Wen Yue, Jiajie Kang*, Lina Zhu, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang. Effect of surface nanocrystallization pretreatment on the tribological properties of plasma nitrided AISI 316L stainless steel under boundary lubrication. Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141(4). (SCI, IF1.787) https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042392

[137] 刘康, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 付志强, 朱丽娜, 佘丁顺. 金属掺杂 DLC 薄膜与润滑油添加剂协同作用的研究现状. 材料导报, 2019,33(10):3251-3256. (CSCD)

[136] 王莉, 付志强*, 岳文, 康嘉杰, 朱丽娜, 王成彪, 屈盛官. W 含量对 CrWN 涂层在干摩擦和油润滑下的摩擦学性能影响. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2019,48(07):2371-2378. (CSCD)



[135-52] Li Xingliang, Wen Yue*, Huang Fei, Kang Jia jie, Zhu Lina, Tian Bin. Tribological behaviour of textured titanium under abrasive wear. Surface Engineering, 2019, 35, 4:378-386. (SCI, IF1.934) https://doi.org/10.1080/02670844.2018.1512233

[134-51] Peng Wang, Guangan Zhang*, Zhibin Lu, Wen Yue*, Lina Zhu, Effect of electric currents on tribological behaviors of Ti/MoS2 composite film sliding against aluminum, Surface Topography-Metrology and Properties, 2019.6, 7(2): 025014. (SCI, IF2.439)


[133-50] Peng Wang, Guangan Zhang*, Zhibin Lu, Wen Yue*, Lina Zhu, Tribological behaviors of Pb/MoS2 film under electrical condition in vacuum. Materials Research Express. 2019(6):076416. (SCI, IF1.449) https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab144b

[132] Xiaobin Liu, Jiajie Kang*, Wen Yue, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Jian Liang, Chengbiao Wang. Performance evaluation of HVOF sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coatings under slurry erosion. Surface Engineering, 2019,35,9:816-815. (SCI, IF1.978)


[131] Xiaobin Liu, Jiajie Kang*, Wen Yue, Guozheng Ma*, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Jian Liang, Wei Weng, Haidou Wang, Chengbiao Wang. Cavitation erosion behavior of HVOF sprayed WC-10Co4Cr cermet coatings in simulated sea water. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 190, 106449. (SCI, IF2.73) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106449

[130] Jiajie Kang*, Mingzheng Wang, Wen Yue, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Chengbiao Wang. Tribological behavior of titanium alloy treated by nitriding and surface texturing composite technology. Materials, 2019, 12(2):301. (SCI, IF2.972) https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12020301.

[129] Mingzheng Wang, Jiajie Kang*, Wen Yue, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Chengbiao Wang. Effects of combined treatment of plasma nitriding and laser surface texturing on vacuum tribological behavior of titanium alloy. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6:6. (SCI, IF1.449) https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab0a26

[128] Fei Huang, Jiajie Kang*, Wen Yue, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Jian Liang, Chengbiao Wang. Corrosion behavior of FeCrMoCBY amorphous coating fabricated by high-velocity air fuel spraying. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2019,28,4, 842-850. (SCI, IF2.074) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11666-019-00843-7

[127] Juan Su, Jiajie Kang*, Wen Yue, Guozheng Ma*, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu, Dingshun She, Haidou Wang, Jian Liang, Wei Weng, Chengbiao Wang. Comparison of tribological behavior of Fe-based metallic glass coatings fabricated by cold spraying and high velocity air fuel spraying. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 522, 119582. (SCI, IF2.6) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2019.119582

[126] Qi Xie, Zhiqiang Fu*, Xian Wei, Xiaoyao Li, Wen Yue, Jiajie Kang, Lina Zhu, Chengbiao Wang, Jianping Meng. Effect of substrate bias current on structure and properties of CrNx films deposited by plasma enhanced magnetron sputtering. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 365:134-142. (SCI, IF3.192)


[125] Hao Wu, Lina Zhu*, Wen Yue, Zhiqiang Fu, Jiajie Kang. Wear-resistant and hydrophobic characteristics of PTFE/CF composite coating. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2019, 128:90-98. (SCI, IF3.42) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.porgcoat.2018.12.013

[124] Yuanhang Yang, Yanhong Gu*, Jian Liang*, Wen Yue. A proposal for modified galvanic corrosion model: investingating effects of micro-arc oxidation on Al alloy. Surface Review and Letters, 2019, 26(2):1850147. (SCI, IF0.748)


[123] Shengzhi Duan, Xiaowen Wu*, Xin Min, Zhaohui Huang, Tianyang Yue, Wen Yue. Effect of purity and proportion of microcrystalline graphite ore on the electrical, mechanical and tribological performance of copper-carbon composites, Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(12). (SCI, IF1.449) https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab5380

[122] 王睿哲, 朱丽娜*, 岳文, 付志强, 康嘉杰. 激光表面织构化与固体润滑技术复合处理改善表面摩擦学性能的研究现状. 材料保护, 2019,(10):110-115. (CSCD)

[121] 周永宽, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 付志强, 朱丽娜, 佘丁顺, 王成彪. HVOF 喷涂 WC 系金属陶瓷涂层腐蚀磨损行为研究现状. 金属热处理, 2019,44(07):211-217. (CSCD)



[120] Mengmeng Zhang *, Xiaosha Dong, Zhi Liu, Fuqi Mao, Wen Yue. Fast intra algorithm based on texture characteristics for 360 videos. Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2019(1). (SCI, IF1.934) https://doi.org/10.1186/s13640-019-0446-3

[119] Zhi Liu*, Cai Xu, Mengmeng Zhang, Wen Yue. Fast intra prediction and CU partition algorithm for virtual reality 360 degree video coding. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2019, 3:666-669. (SCI, IF0.576) https://doi.org/10.1587/transinf.2018EDL8098

[118] Mengmeng Zhang*, Renbo Su, Zhi Liu, Fuqi Mao, Wen Yue. Fast PU early termination algorithm based on WMSE for ERP video intra prediction. 2019 Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2019, 614-614. https://doi.org/10.1109/DCC.2019.00126




[117-48] Wenbo Qin, Wen Yue*, Chengbiao Wang*. Controllable wear behaviors of silicon nitride sliding against sintered polycrystalline diamond via altering humidity. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2018, 101: 2506-2515. (SCI, IF2.956).


[116-47] Dezhong Meng, Gang Yan, Wen Yue*, Fang Lin, Chengbiao Wang*. Thermal damage mechanisms of Si-coated diamond powder based polycrystalline diamond. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(13): 4338-4345. (SCI, IF3.794)



[115-46] Peng Wang, Wen Yue*, Zhibin Lu, Guangan Zhang*, Lina Zhu. Friction and wear properties of MoS2-based coatings sliding against Cu and Al under electric current. Tribology International, 2018, 127, 379-388. (SCI, IF3.246) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2018.06.028

[114-45] Xingliang Li, Wen Yue*, Zhiqiang Fu, Haipeng Huang, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajun Liu. Tribological behaviors of W/Mo films under lubrication of zinc dithiophosphates - understanding their roles in tribochemical reactions. Tribology Transactions, 2018, 62(2):164-175. (SCI, IF1.723) https://doi.org/10.1080/10402004.2018.1502854

[113-44] Yaoyu Jiao, Sizhe Liu, Yulong Sun, Wen Yue*, Hongyu Zhang*. Bioinspired surface functionalization of nanodiamonds for enhanced lubrication. Langmuir, 2018, 34: 12436-12444. (SCI, IF3.789) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02441



[112-43] Ke Ren, Wen Yue*, Hongyu Zhang*. Surface modification of Ti6Al4V based on ultrasonic surface rolling processing and plasma nitriding for enhanced bone regeneration. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 349:602-610. (SCI, IF3.192)


[111-42] Peng Yi, Wen Yue*, Jian Liang, Binbin Hou, Jianhua Sun, Yanhong Gu, Junxiu Liu. Effects of nanocrystallized layer on the tribological properties of micro-arc oxidation coatings on 2618 aluminum alloy under high temperatures. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96: 1635-1646. (SCI, IF2.601) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-0831-y

[110-41] Junxiu Liu, Wen Yue*, Jian Liang, Binbin Hou, Jianhua Sun, Dingshun She, Yanhong Gu, Peng Yi. Effects of evaluated temperature on tribological behaviors of micro-arc oxidated 2219 aluminum alloy and their field application. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96:1725-1740. (SCI, IF2.601) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-0919-4

[109-40] Jian Liang, Wen Yue*, Yanhong Gu*, Junxiu Liu, Chengbiao Wang, Huijuan Ma. Improving corrosion resistance and corrosive wear resistance of aluminum alloy drill pipe by surface nanocrystallization and micro-arc oxidation. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27:4462-4472.(SCI, IF1.340) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-018-3529-x

[108-39] Dingshun She, Wen Yue*, Jiajie Kang, Fei Huang, Chengbiao Wang, Jing Shen. Vacuum tribological properties of titanium enhanced via ultrasonic surface rolling processing pretreatment and plasma nitriding. Tribology Transactions, 2018, 61(4):612-620. (SCI, IF1.723) https://doi.org/10.1080/10402004.2017.1380870

[107] Yingyan Hu*, Wen Yue, Jianqiang Li*, Wei Dong, Can Li, Bingqian Ma, Chao Liu, Jianjun Han. Preparation and characterization of monosized Cu–Sn spherical alloy particles by pulsated orifice ejection method. Journal of Materials Research, 2018. 33(18):2835-2843. (SCI, IF1.495) https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2018.183

[106] Wenbo Qin, Jiajie Kang*, Jiansheng Li*, Wen Yue, Yaoyao Liu, Dingshun She, Qingzhong Mao, Yusheng Li*. Tribological Behavior of the 316L Stainless Steel with Heterogeneous Lamella Structure. Materials, 2018, 11(10). (SCI, IF2.467) https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11101839

[105] Yuanhang Yang, Yanhong Gu*, Jian Liang*, Wen Yue. A proposal for modified galvanic corrosion model investigating effects of micro-arc oxidation on Al alloy.Surface Review and Letters, 2018, 28.2. (SCI, IF0.734) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218625X18501470

[104] Juan Qiao, Lina Zhu*, Wen Yue, Zhiqian Fu, Jiajie, Kang, Chengbiao Wang. The effect of attributes of micro-shapes of laser surface texture on the wettability of WC-CrCo metal ceramic coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 334: 429-437. (SCI, IF3.192) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.12.001

[103] Huan Zhu, Zhiqiang Fu *, Qi Xie, Wen Yue, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajie Kang, Lina Zhu. Effect of deposition temperature on thermal stabilities of copper-carbon films in barrier-less Cu metallization. Applied Surface Science. 2018, 427: 276-281. (SCI, IF4.439) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.08.017

[102-38] 郭亚轩, 胡洋, 步贤政, 岳文*. 5B06铝合金电弧增材制造工艺参数对成形质量的影响. 焊接技术, 2018 (1) :25-28.(CSCD) https://doi.org/10.13846/j.cnki.cn12-1070/tg.2018.01.007

[101-37] 李星亮, 岳文*, 庞长涛, 徐昌语, 康嘉杰, 田斌. 渗氮处理对表面织构化钛在月壤介质中摩擦磨损性能的影响. 上海交通大学学报, 2018,52(5):561-567. (EI).https://doi.org/10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2018.05.009




[100-36] Yaoyao Liu, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang*. Improved vacuum tribological properties of sintered polycrystalline diamond compacts treated by high temperature annealing. Carbon, 2017, 124:651-661. (SCI, IF7.082).


[99-35] Jiansheng Li, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Chengbiao Wang. Approach to controllable tribological properties of sintered polycrystalline diamond compact through annealing treatment. Carbon, 2017, 116:103-112. (SCI, IF7.082)


[98-34] Jiansheng Li*, Wen Yue*, Wenbo Qin, Qingzhong Mao, Bo Gao, Yusheng Li. Effect of quenching processes on microstructures and tribological behaviors of polycrystalline diamond compact (PCD/WC-Co) in annealing treatment. Diamond and Related Materials, 2017, 79: 79-87. (SCI, IF2.232) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2017.09.006

[97-33] Tianyang Yue, Wen Yue*, Jiansheng Li, Chengbiao Wang. Effect of vacuum annealing temperature on tribological behaviors of sintered polycrystalline diamond compact. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2017, 64: 66-74. (SCI, IF2.606) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2017.01.007



[96] Xingliang Li*, Wen Yue, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajun Liu, Guolong Li. Preparation and Structure of W/Mo Films and Their Tribological Properties in the Lubrication of MoDTC. Journal of Tribology-Transactions of The ASME, 2017, 139(6). (SCI, IF1.787) https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4036175



[95-32] Ke Ren, Yi Wang, Tao Sun, Wen Yue*, Hongyu Zhang*. Electrospun PCL/gelatin composite nanofiber structures for effective guided bone regeneration membranes. Materials Science & Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2017, 78: 324-332. (SCI, IF5.080) https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.msec.2017.04.084

[94] Xiaoyu Cui, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajie Kang*, Wen Yue, Zhiqiang Fu, Lina Zhu. Influence of the corrosion of saturated saltwater drilling fluid on the tribological behavior of HVOF WC-10Co4Cr coatings. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 71: 195-203. (SCI, IF2.157) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2016.11.011.

[93] 李星亮, 岳文*, 黄飞, 康嘉杰, 付志强. 磨料粒度对表面微织构纯钛干摩擦性能的影响. 机械工程学报, 2017, 53(24): 25-33. (EI)


[92] 梁健*, 顾艳红, 岳文, 孙建华, 刘俊秀, 杨远航. 科学超深井钻探铝合金钻杆的腐蚀失效分析. 探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程), 2017, 44(2):60-66. (CSCD)


[91] 田斌*, 侯媛媛, 岳文. 表面预处理和润滑条件对硫氮共渗35CrMo磨损性能的影响. 表面技术, 2017, 46(1):125-132. (CSCD)


[90] 田斌*, 刘宝辉, 孟春玲, 侯媛媛, 岳文. Mo离子注入和离子渗硫对TiN涂层微观结构和表面性能的影响. 中国表面工程, 2017, 30(2):71-78. (EI)


[89] 田斌, 刘宝辉, 岳文, 王成彪. WMo离子注入对离子镀TiN薄膜表面结构和性能的影响. 表面技术, 2017, 46(6):174-179. (CSCD)


[88] 王淑庆, 王成彪, 朱丽娜*, 岳文, 付志强, 康嘉杰. Si3N452100钢对磨副材料对CrN薄膜干摩擦学行为的影响. 材料导报, 2017, 31(4):41-46. (EI)

https://doi.org/朱丽娜, 岳文. 激光表面织构形状参数对钛合金摩擦学性能的影响. 中国表面工程, 2017, 30(4):71-77. (EI)


[85-30] Gang Yan, Wen Yue*, Dezhong Meng, Fang Lin, Zongyi Wu, Chengbiao Wang. Wear performances and mechanisms of ultrahard polycrystalline diamond composite material grinded against granite. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 54: 46-53. (SCI, IF2.606)


[84-29] Xiaohua Sha, Wen Yue*, Yihui Zhao, Fang Lin, Chengbiao Wang. Effect of sliding mating materials on vacuum tribological behaviors of sintered polycrystalline diamond. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 54: 116-126. (SCI, IF2.606) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2015.07.025

[83-28] Jiansheng Li, Wen Yue*, Chengbiao Wang. Microstructures and thermal damage mechanisms of sintered polycrystalline diamond compacts annealing under ambient air and vacuum conditions. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 54:138-147. (SCI, IF2.606)




[82-27] Sen Du, Wen Yue*, Yanyan Wang, Dingshun She, Haipeng Huang, Zhiqiang Fu. Synergistic effects between sulfurized-nanocrystallized 316L steel and MoDTC lubricating oil additive for improvement of tribological performances. Tribology International, 2016, 94: 530-540. (SCI, IF3.246) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2015.10.021

[81-26] Zhiwei Cui, Yixing Tian, Wen Yue*, Lei Yang*, Qunyang Li*. Tribo-biological deposits on the articulating surfaces of metal-on-polyethylene total hip implants retrieved from patients. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:28376. (SCI, IF4.122) https://doi.org/10.1038/srep28376

[80] Yanhong Gu*, Lingling Chen, Wen Yue, Ping Chen, Fei Chen, Chengyun Ning. Corrosion behavior and mechanism of MAO coated Ti6Al4V with a grain-fined surface layer. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016, 664:770-776. (SCI, IF3.779) https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.12.108

[79] Yanhong Gu*, Huijuan Ma, Wen Yue, Bin Tian, Lingling Chen, Duolu Mao. Microstructure and corrosion model of MAO coating on nano grained AA2024 pretreated by ultrasonic cold forging technology. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016, 681:120-127. (SCI, IF3.779) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.03.196

[78] Zhenbing Cai*, Lei Zhao, Xu Zhang, Wen Yue, Min-hao Zhu. Combined Effect of Textured Patterns and Graphene Flake Additives on Tribological Behavior under Boundary Lubrication. PLoS ONE, 2016,11(4):0152143. (SCI, IF2.766)


[77] Guanghong Wang, Shengguan Qu*, Lianmin Yin, Xiaoqiang Li, Wen Yue, ZhiQiang Fu. Rolling contact fatigue property and failure mechanism of carburized 30CrSiMoVM steel at elevated temperature. Tribology International, 2016, 98:144-154. (SCI, IF3.246) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2016.02.036

[76] 王艳艳, 岳文*, 佘丁顺, 付志强, 黄海鹏, 刘家浚. ZDDP润滑下表面纳米化316L不锈钢的摩擦学性能. 石油学报(石油加工), 2016, 32(2):297-304. (EI)




[75] 梁健, 岳文*, 孙建华, 侯斌斌, 尹浩, 刘俊秀. 超声表面滚压处理铝合金钻杆的高温摩擦学性能. 中国表面工程, 2016, 29(5):129-137. (EI)


[74] 梁健*, 岳文, 孙建华, 佘丁顺, 侯斌斌, 尹浩. 超声波冷锻与阳极氧化处理铝合金钻杆摩擦学性能研究. 地质与勘探, 2016, 52(3):576-583. (CSCD)


[73] 田斌*, 岳文. 超声表面加工和硫氮共渗复合处理对35CrMo钢表面性能的影响. 中国表面工程, 2016, 29(1):103-110. (EI) https://doi.org/10.11933/j.issn.1007-9289.2016.01.015

[72] 石佳佳, 付志强*, 岳文, 王成彪, 彭志坚, 于翔, 康嘉杰. 电弧离子渗钛对316L不锈钢摩擦学性能的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2016,45(7)1821-1825. (SCI)

[71] 王松*, 岳文, 李星亮, 姚克, 方鹏. 超低摩擦WS2/W-DLC固体润滑薄膜的制备与性能. 材料热处理学报, 2016, 37(2):159-163. (CSCD) https://doi.org/10.13289/j.issn.1009-6264.2016.02.027

[70] 崔晓宇, 王成彪, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 付志强, 彭志坚, 朱丽娜. 热喷涂金属陶瓷涂层复合磨损失效机制. 材料导报, 2016, 30(15):75-79. (EI) https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1039/C5RA09327A

[68-24] Yihui Zhao, Wen Yue*, Fang Lin, Chengbiao Wang, Zongyi Wu. Friction and wear behaviors of polycrystalline diamond under vacuum conditions. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2015, 50:43-52. (SCI, IF2.606) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2014.11.008

[67-23] Dezhong Meng, Wen Yue*, Fang Lin, Chengbiao Wang, Zongyi Wu. Thermal stability of ultrahard polycrystalline diamond composite materials. Journal of Superhard Materials, 2015, 37(2):67-72. (SCI, IF0.636) https://doi.org/10.3103/S106345761502001X



[66-22] Wen Yue*, Chunyue Liu, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Haipeng Huang, Jiajun Liu. Effects of tungsten doping contents on tribological behaviors of tungsten doped diamond-like carbon coatings lubricated by MoDTC. Tribology Letters, 2015, 58: 31-41. (SCI, IF2.182) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11249-015-0508-3

[65-21] Zhimin Liu, Wen Yue*, Song Wang, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajun Liu. Preparation and characterization of sulfurized tungsten doped non-hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2015, 35 (4): 769-783. (SCI, IF2.658) https:/doi.org/10.1007/s11090-015-9614-0

[64] 李星亮*, 岳文, 王成彪, 李国龙, 毕超, 刘家浚. ZDDP作用下钨/钼膜的摩擦化学润滑机理研究. 摩擦学学报, 2015, 35(2):183-189. (EI)




[63-20] Dingshun She, Wen Yue*, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Xingkuan Yang, Jiajun Liu. Effects of nitriding temperature on microstructures and vacuum tribological properties of plasma-nitrided titanium. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2015,264: 32-40. (SCI, IF3.192) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.01.029

[62-19] Dingshun She, Wen Yue*, Yingjun Du, Zhiqiang Fu, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajun Liu. Vacuum tribological properties of titanium with a nano-crystalline surface layer. Tribology Letters, 2015, 57(1):1-12. (SCI, IF2.182) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11249-014-0447-4

[61] Bin Tian*, Wen Yue, Chengbiao Wang, Jiajun Liu. Surface properties of W-implanted TiN coatings post-treatedby low temperature ion sulfurization. Applied Surface Science, 2015, (353):1156-1163. (SCI, IF4.439) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.07.017

[60] Zhenbing Cai*, Hegeng Gu, Wen Yue, Minhao Zhu. Torsional Fretting Wear Behavior of Duplex DLC Coatings Deposited on Ion Nitriding Treated LZ50 Steel. Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, 2015, 1(2):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40735-015-0011-2

[59] Guanghong Wang, Shengguan Qu*, Fuqiang Lai, Xiaoqiang Li, Zhiqiang Fu, Wen Yue. Rolling contact fatigue and wear properties of 0.1C-3Cr-2W-V nitrided steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 77:105-114.(SCI, IF3.132)


[58] 佘丁顺, 岳文*, 付志强, 王成彪, 申灏, 刘家浚. 工业纯钛TA2离子渗氮后的组织结构与真空摩擦磨损性能研究. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2015, 44(1): 133-139. (SCI)

[57] 侯斌斌, 岳文*, 杜迎军, 佘丁顺, 杨兴宽, 刘家浚. SiO2 Al2O3 ZrO2对磨副材料对离子渗氮纯钛TA2磨损性能的影响. 材料热处理学报, 2015, 36(A1): 197-202. (CSCD) https://doi.org/10.13289/j.issn.1009-6264.2015.s1.038

[56] 罗军*, 蔡振兵, 莫继良, 彭金方, 岳文, 朱旻昊. 离子渗氮/渗硫层转动微动摩擦学行为研究. 润滑与密封, 2016, 40(6): 19-24. (CSCD)
