朱丽娜 副教授
信息来源:本站 发布日期:2022-12-07 14:21:53 浏览次数:3922





地质资源与地质工程(081800):研究方向—04 地质装备工程


(1) 学术型硕士—机械工程(080200): 研究方向—02机械设计及理论; 04地质工程装备及其自动化

(2) 专业型硕士—机械(085500): 研究方向—01机械工程



2017年帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)访问学者


中国地质大学(北京); 工程技术学院; 讲师; 2014.07 / 2018.01

中国地质大学(北京); 工程技术学院; 副教授; 2018.01 / 至今





国家自然科学基金青年项目《钻头钢体织构化喷涂层的防泥包与耐磨机理》(编号: **),项目负责人
北京市自然科学基金青年项目 《高温下氮化物薄膜的纳米力学性能演变对摩擦学行为的影响机制》(编号: **),项目负责人
中国地质大学(北京) 中央高校基本科研业务费优秀教师项目,项目负责人


[1] Cui Xiao-yu, Wang Cheng-biao, Kang Jia-jie*, Yue Wen, Fu Zhi-qiang, Zhu Li-na. Influence of the corrosion of saturated saltwater drilling fluid on the tribological behavior of HVOF WC-10Co4Cr coatings. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2017, 71: 195-203. 2017, 71: 195-203. (SCI检索号: ED7RV;EI检索号: 20**0)
[2] 王淑庆, 王成彪, 朱丽娜*, 岳文, 付志强, 康嘉杰. Si3N4和52100钢对磨副材料对CrN薄膜干摩擦学行为的影响. 材料导报. 2017, 37(2): 41-46. (EI检索期刊, 已刊出, 待检索)
[3] Dong Mei-ling, Cui Xiu-fang, Wang Hai-dou*, Zhu Li-na, Jin Guo, Xu Bin-shi. Effect of different substrate temperatures on microstructure and residual stress of Ti Films. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2016, 45(4): 843-848. (SCI检索号: DL2UL; EI检索号: 20**4)
[4] 崔晓宇, 王成彪, 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 付志强, 彭志坚, 朱丽娜. 热喷涂金属陶瓷涂层复合磨损失效研究进展. 材料导报. 2016, 30(8): 75-79. (EI检索号: 20**5)
[5] 朱丽娜, 岳文, 王成彪, 杨义勇, 付志强, 康嘉杰. 高校青年教师如何正确处理教学和科研之间的关系. 考试周刊. 2016, 63: 140-141.
[6] 康嘉杰, 岳文, 王成彪, 杨义勇, 付志强, 朱丽娜. 基于项目驱动法的“摩擦学基础”教学改革探索. 中国地质教育. 2016, 25(3): 32-34.
[7] Zhu Li-na, Xu Bin-Shi, Wang Hai-Dou*, Wang Cheng-Biao. Measurement of residual stresses using nanoindentation method. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences. 2015, 40(2): 77-89. (SCI检索号: DL2UL; EI检索号: 20**9)
[8] Zhu Li-na, Xu Bin-Shi, Wang Hai-Dou*, Wang Cheng-Biao. Comparison of Four Different methods to determine the hardness of plasma-sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr coating by nano-indentation. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 2015, 43(1): 1-7. (SCI)
[9] Dong Mei-ling, Cui Xiu-fang, Jin Guo*, Wang Hai-dou, Zhu Li-na, Liu Jin-na. The mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of Ti/TiN multi-layer films produced by physical vapor deposition. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 2015, 62(3): 149-155. (SCI)
[10] Liu Jin-na, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Cui Xiu-fang, Zhu Li-na, Jin Guo. Measurement for mechanical behavior and fatigue property of Cu films by nanoscale dynamic load method. Materials and Design. 2015, 65: 1136-1142. (SCI)
[11] Liu Jin-na, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Cui Xiu-fang, Zhu Li-na, Jin Guo. Effects of film thickness and microstructures on residual stress. Surface Engineering. 2016, 32(3): 178-184. (SCI)
[12] 刘金娜, 徐滨士, 王海斗*, 金国, 朱丽娜. 薄膜疲劳失效预测方法与损伤机制的研究进展. 机械工程学报. 2014, 50(20): 26-34. (EI)
[13] 王海斗*, 董美伶, 崔秀芳, 邢志国, 朱丽娜, 刘金娜. 不同厚度纳米Ti薄膜的力学性能. 材料工程. 2015, 43(11): 50-56. (EI)
[14] 康嘉杰*, 岳文, 王成彪, 杨义勇, 朱丽娜. 浅析机械专业本科生在专业学习中的问题与对策. 现代经济信息. 2015, 24: 402.
[15] Xing Zhi-guo, Wang Hai-dou*, Zhu Li-na, Zhou Xin-yuan, Huang Yan-fei. Properties of the BaTiO3 coating prepared by supersonic plasma spraying. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014, 582: 246-252. (SCI)
[16] Li Guo-lu, Gu Lin-song, Wang Hai-dou*, Xing Zhi-guo, Zhu Li-na. Microstructures and dielectric properties of PZT coatings prepared by supersonic plasma spraying. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 2014, 23: 525-529. (SCI)
[17] Xing Zhi-guo, Wang Hai-dou*, Xu Bin-shi, Ma Guo-zheng, Huang Yan-fei, Kang Jia-jie, Zhu Li-na. Structural integrity and ferroelectric–piezoelectric properties of PbTiO3 coating prepared via supersonic plasma spraying. Materials & Design. 2014, 62: 57-63. (SCI)
[18] Li Guo-lu, Zhang Zhi-qiang, Wang Hai-dou*, Xu Bin-shi, Piao Zhong-yu, Zhu Li-na. Acoustic emission monitoring and failure mechanism analysis of rolling contact fatigue for Fe-based alloy coating. Tribology International. 2013, 61: 129-137. (SCI)
[19] 王海斗*, 朱丽娜, 徐滨士. 纳米压痕法测量等离子喷涂铁基涂层表面的残余应力. 机械工程学报. 2013, 49(7): 1-4. (EI)
[20] 刘金娜, 徐滨士, 王海斗*, 金国, 朱丽娜. 材料残余应力测定方法的发展趋势. 理化检验(物理分册). 2013, 49(10): 1-6. (核心)
[21] 董美伶, 金国, 王海斗*, 朱丽娜, 刘金娜. 纳米压痕法测量残余应力的研究现状. 材料导报. 2014, 28(2): 107-113. (核心)
[22] Zhu Li-na, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Wang Cheng-biao. Pileup behavior in sharp nanoindentation of AISI 1045 steel. Physics Procedia. 2013, 50: 214-218.(CPCI-S(原ISTP))
[23] Zhu Li-na, Wang Cheng-biao, Wang Hai-dou*, Xu Bin-shi, Zhuang Da-ming, Liu Jia-jun, Li Guo-lu. Microstructure and tribological properties of WS2/MoS2 multilayer films. Applied Surface Science. 2012, 258(6): 1944-1948. (SCI)
[24] Zhu Li-na*, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou, Wang Cheng-biao. Microstructure and nanoindentation measurement of residual stress in Fe-based coating by laser cladding. Journal of Materials Science. 2012, 47(5): 2122-2126. (SCI)
[25] Zhu Li-na*, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou, Wang Cheng-biao. On the evaluation of residual stress and mechanical properties of FeCrBSi coatings by nanoindentation. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2012, 536: 98-102. (SCI)
[26] Zhu Li-na, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Wang Cheng-biao. Effect of residual stress on the nanoindentation response of (100) copper single crystal. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2012, 136(2-3): 561-565. (SCI)
[27] Zhu Li-na, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Wang Cheng-biao. Indentation size effect on the mechanical properties of supersonic plasma sprayed NiCr-Cr3C2 coating. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2012, 41(S1): 296-298. (SCI)
[28] Zhang Zhi-qiang, Li Guo-lu, Wang Hai-dou*, Xu Bin-shi, Piao Zhong-yu, Zhu Li-na. Investigation of rolling contact fatigue damage process of the coating by acoustics emission and vibration signals. Tribology International. 2012, 47: 25-31. (SCI)
[29] Zhang Yu-bo, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Yang Da-xiang, Zhu Li-na. Health condition monitoring with multiple physical signals in tensile test for double-material friction welding. Journal of Central South University. 2012, 19: 2705-2711. (SCI)
[30] Zhang Yu-bo, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Yang Da-xiang, Zhu Li-na. Metallurgy failure analysis for an early fracture engine intake valve made of 85Cr18Mo2V. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2012, 41(S1): 148-151. (SCI)
[31] Zhu Li-na, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Wang Cheng-biao, Da-xiang Yang. Measurement of mechanical properties of 1045 steel with significant pile-up by sharp indentation. Journal of Materials Science. 2011, 46(4): 1083-1086. (SCI)
[32] Zhu Li-na, Wang Cheng-biao, Wang Hai-dou, Xu Bin-shi, Liu Jia-jun, Li Guo-lu. Research on the microstructure of solid FeS by TEM. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 217-218: 1098-1101. (EI)
[33] Zhu Li-na, Wang Cheng-biao, Wang Hai-dou, Xu Bin-shi, Liu Jia-jun, Li Guo-lu. Structure and tribological behaviors of synthetic MoS2 film prepared by a novel compound method. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 217-218: 1117-1122. (EI)
[34] Zhu Li-na, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou*, Wang Cheng-biao. Determination of hardness of plasma-sprayed FeCrBSi coating on steel substrate by nanoindentation. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2010, 528(1): 425-428. (SCI)
[35] Zhu Li-na*, Xu Bin-shi, Wang Hai-dou, Wang Cheng-biao. Measurement of residual stress in quenched 1045 steel by the nanoindentation method. Materials Characterization. 2010, 61(12): 1359-1362. (SCI)
[36] Zhu Li-na, Wang Cheng-biao, Wang Hai-dou*, Xu Bin-shi, Zhuang Da-ming, Liu Jia-jun, Li Guo-lu. Tribological properties of WS2 composite film prepared by a two-step method. Vacuum. 2010, 85(1): 16-21. (SCI)
[37] Zhu Li-na, Li Guo-lu, Wang Hai-dou*, Xu Bin-shi, Zhuang Da-ming Liu Jia-jun. Microstructures and nano mechanical properties of the metal tungsten film. Current Applied Physics. 2009, 9(2): 510-514. (SCI)
[38] Zhu Li-na, Li Guo-lu, Wang Hai-dou*, Xu Bin-shi, Liu Jia-jun. Comparative characterization to the three kinds of solid-shape FeS. Materials Letters. 2008, 62(1): 163-166. (SCI)
[39] 朱丽娜, 李国禄, 王海斗, 刘家浚, 徐滨士, 康嘉杰. 硫化亚铁固体润滑涂层的制备方法与摩擦学性能研究. 润滑与密封. 2007, (1): 181-184. (核心)
[40] 康嘉杰, 李国禄, 王海斗*, 刘家浚, 徐滨士, 朱丽娜. 层状固体润滑薄膜的研究进展. 金属热处理. 2007, 32(4): 15-18. (EI)
[41] 王海斗*, 徐滨士, 康嘉杰, 朱丽娜. 渗硫表面摩擦过程中的弱腐蚀现象. 装甲兵工程学院学报. 2007, 21(5): 33-36.